Grow the composting movement by giving the Gift of Compost!
CompostNow- The Easiest Way To Compost CompostNow - The Easiest Way To Compost

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Bring CompostNow to Akron

Ready to start composting?

We need 500 sign-ups to start bringing community composting to Akron.
Join the interest list. Show us Akron is ready!

There is no commitment on your part when joining the interest list. Joining the list allows us to keep you in the loop. But never fear! We'll never share your information. If we reach a minimum of 500 sign-ups, we’ll begin to explore the next steps needed to expand our service to your area. Thank you for your interest in CompostNow and for growing the compost movement in your area!

Great, you're on the list!

Help us come faster by spreading the word to your friends and neighbors in Akron:

  • Home

  • Office

  • Food Service

Doorstep composting makes it easy

We collect your scraps weekly, always leaving you with a clean bin and a warm fuzzy feeling. Log in to your member dashboard to track your impact, manage your account, and request that earned compost be delivered to you or a garden partner.

“With an inspiring staff of remarkable people, our relationship with CompostNow has been enjoyable and rewarding. They're given us all the necessary resources to create a successfull and valuable composting program!”
Stewart Engineering Inc. Member since 2013

Complete composting program for any office

Everything you need to launch, maintain and promote a successful composting program that reduces your waste, engages employees and supports local community gardens.

Tailored to how you operate

We handle the pickup, the clearning, the composting, and the delivery of compost to gardens. All it takes to reduce waste and contribute to local urban agriculture is to put your food scraps and organics in the bins we provide.

Build Soil, Not Landfills

Composting is important. So we make it simple, clean and easy.
And we do it to reduce waste and support local gardens.
Watch our video to learn why, and how.

Who we are

Justin Dominique Mike Robe Kristin Sazeed Misha Will

We are a team of composting advocates passionate about making urban composting clean, simple and convenient. We created CompostNow around the idea that more people could and would compost if we made it simple, convenient and clean, and that we could create a full circle model by returning the resulting nutrient rich compost to our members (at their request) and local urban farms as part of the service. We hope to see every household and business composting and diverting their food scraps from landfills and into compost for gardens. We are working hard everyday to help make that happen and invite you to join in the movement!


Help us grow a movement!

Ready to join us in reducing waste and creating healthy soil for community gardens and urban farms? Help us spread the word. With your friends, neighbors, co-workers and workplaces on board, we can grow the movement.